Delaware Valley Association of Black Psychologists (DVABPsi): Get ready for the 2021 season: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina Mississippi Black Women Survivors
This article will: Discuss the upcoming hurricane season and it will give you practical suggestions on how to keep your family safe during hurricanes based on lessons learned from Mississippi Black women Hurricane Katrina survivors.
Wellesley Magazine interview: “Weathering the Storm”
As hurricanes and wildfires ravaged the U.S. in 2017—the costliest year on record for natural disasters—Ophera Davis, lecturer in Africana Studies, sat glued to her TV screen. She watched women in Texas flee their flooded homes in boats, and evacuees in California...
TV interview in Boston in CBS affiliate WCVB “CityLine Women in Charge: Hillary, Wellesley, and the Glass Ceiling”
Dr. Ophera Davis discusses her hands on approach to the role as well as the bright future for women leaders (interview starts at 5:44)