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86 million American in the West and Southeast are under heat alerts as rain and thunderstorms move across the Northeast. But over the weekend, temperatures are expected to be a little lower and provide a semblance of normalcy. This is a good time to get your disaster emergency kit ready before the hot weather returns next week. Here’s some things you need during an emergency: 1) Water (one gallon per person per day for several days, for drinking and sanitation), 2) Food (at least a several-day supply of non-perishable food that you can open easily), 3) A flashlight (with new batteries). Also, be sure your cell phone is charged in case you lose electricity. To get more information on what to put in your disaster kit, check out this link:

Check back next week for news about an upcoming talk on my book, The Overlooked Voices of Hurricane Katrina Mississippi Black Women Survivors Resilience and Recovery. Get your copy


(617) 454-4438
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Virginia Beach 23467
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