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On next Saturday, April 15, I will give a talk on my book, the Overlooked Voices of Hurricane Katrina Mississippi Women Survivors Resilience and Recovery, at the African American Book Festival in Richmond, Virginia. The annual event is expected to draw up to 3,000 people. Join us at the Diversity Center at 1407 Sherwood Avenue (23220) from 11am to 5pm. Below you will find information about the event. Be sure to share this post about the African American Book Festival with your network. I look forward to seeing you, your friends, and family in Richmond next Saturday!

Richmond African American Book Festival – Contact Info: Roy Wyatt: 804.873.0982*clxidn*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_r6hBhDdARIsAMIDhV-9XjU1bqFWIQRL_BVsGiebqB7yzYYJCTALImy7I2j06oxM9nP5Jq4aAjxZEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Check back next week for more on my Spring Book Tour and the upcoming 2023 Hurricane Season. To get your copy of my book click this link,

#DrOsays #africanamericanbookfestival #disasters #Hurricane Katrina #blackwomen

(617) 454-4438
P.O. Box 65173
Virginia Beach 23467
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