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Over the past two years the Pandemic has been tough. This series will offer tips from survivors of Hurricane Katrina, the worst natural disaster in American history. Persevere is the word of this week’s post.

I interviewed women hurricane survivors from Mississippi after the disaster and here’s two things that they said helped them keep going after the storm. One woman said, “it was really hard right after Katrina, but I knew if my ancestors could keep going, I had to – too”. Another Hurricane Katrina survivor told me, “I had to do something – so one of my neighbors and I decided to grill all the food in our refrigerators before it spoiled; see there was no electricity. So, we fired up the grills and fed everyone on our street. That made me feel like I still had a purpose after Katrina”.

Although their words are few – the women’s survival and perseverance may help you find the strength to continue during the Pandemic. Maybe you can continue a family legacy or are encouraged to find the fortitude to meet the needs of people within your reach as we look forward to better days. You can find more about the women’s experiences in my book, The Overlooked Voices of Hurricane Katrina Mississippi Black Women Survivors Resilience and Recovery.

Check out my blog next week for another tip from this series “Persevere thru the Pandemic’ or get more information on the upcoming hurricane season.

#DrOsays  #Persevere #hurricanekatrinasurvivors #blackwomen #Pandemic

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