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This is a good time to get ready before there is another disaster or any type of emergency. It’s important to develop a communications plan before it’s needed during a storm. Here are two ways to begin.  Start a disaster phone TEXT tree with your family and friends. Wondering why you need a TEXT tree – because during disasters oftentimes the power is out due to down phone lines. So, the most reliable way to communicate is via Text. You can set-up a phone text tree through your phone carrier like Verizon, AT&T, etc. Or you can use an easy-to-use app called GroupMe which allows you to form private chats in real time during a catastrophe. Start today – don’t wait until a disaster to share your communication plan with family and friends.

Next week, I’ll share more disaster tips and update you on exciting news about my book, The Overlooked Voices of Hurricane Katrina: Mississippi Black Women Survivors Resilience and Recovery.

 #DrOsays #disasterplan #disastertexttree #disasterpreparedness


(617) 454-4438
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