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Happy New Year! 2022 is here!

It’s time to get ready for the Winter weather as another snowstorm moves across America. Here’s some things that you need in your inclement Winter weather Kit to keep your family safe. Include, 1) an emergency triangle for bad weather, 2) a flashlight, 3) a high visibility yellow solar blanket, 4) a folding shovel, 5) jumper cables, 6) a safety vest and gloves, and of course, 7) a first aid kit. Consider the types of natural disasters that occur in your area and add other items that you think are appropriate. Remember, as with any emergency – you can always contact the Red Cross, Salvation Army or call 911 for help during a Winter weather storm. Be sure to share my Blog with friends and family.

Be sure to check in next week for more information on winter storms and my book, The Overlooked Voices of Hurricane Katrina: Mississippi Black Women Survivors Resilience and Recovery.

#DrOsays                                                                                            #winterweatherstormkit


(617) 454-4438
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