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This week’s Blog is about Amazon’s #1 ranking in Natural Disasters of my book, The Overlooked Voices of Hurricane Katrina, Mississippi Black Women Survivors Resilience and Recovery.  What an honor! This could not have happened without the people whose purchases led to the recognition so this week’s photo captures a few of the people who posted selfie’s after they purchased the book: Supportive Black women making a difference again. Thanks to the everyone who helped me  reach Amazon’s #1 ranking on Natural Disaster books.  I’m certain the anonymous women in the study are elated that people are interested in learning about their experiences of survival, resilience, and recovery. Get your copy now:

The 2021 Hurricane Season is quiet right now. This is a good time to get your Hurricane Kit ( ready before the next storm.

See you next week for more information on the 2021 Hurricane Season.

(617) 454-4438
P.O. Box 65173
Virginia Beach 23467
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